Advice about Animals for Kids and Parents: Food for Your Pet


Saturday, November 10, 2007

Food for Your Pet

What to look for in Pet Foods

Have you ever been in the pet food isle at your local grocery store and been overwhelmed by the amount of wet and dry pet food options available? I know I have stood there looking through all the different brands which all claim to be nutritionally beneficial for your animal not knowing which was actually the best.

Finding the right type of kitten/cat food is important to your kitten/cat's health and development. Not only should you be concerned about what your cat is eating, but also if these companies are testing these products on animals under cruel conditions. Even some of the most popular cat and dog food products have secrets in their food that they are not telling you. This means foods being advertised on television and on the web are not necessarily the best because they are widely known. I can tell you that researching certain cat foods was a little shocking, innocent cats and dogs are put through unbelievable torture by these companies to produce what they call quality food.

Try to avoid cat food that contains byproducts. Byproducts are basically all the parts of animals that are "left over" and that we, ourselves do not want to eat. That includes necks, feet, unfertilized eggs, intestines, and may even contain feathers. They consider these to be high protein foods but at the same time this may make your precious pet sick. Companies use byproducts as a cheap way to add proteins and "fillers." We can recognize what we eat but our pets don't, so we should do the research for them. It's amazing how they even make them taste so good for our pets!

It may be a little hard at first because most of us go to the store to purchase all of our grocery needs. If you don't really have a choice, in my opinion I would look for products with byproducts at the end of the list. If you basically want to skip some of the research, definitely look into Innove Evo wet and dry cat food. This product contains absolutely no byproducts. The thing is you can only purchase this brand in certain pet supply stores but you can order them by flats through the Internet. My cats love Innove Evo. The high quality proteins they have added helps their health and have even made their coats oh so shiny and soft. I have tried Wysong treats for my cats as well, you can serve as a wet meal or dry meal. Again, no byproducts and it is listed as free from animal testing.

Because I believe that if you love animals and you love your cat, you would not want other cats to be harmed as well right? Do your research and make sure that you cat food is free of animal testing!

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